“One who is thankful for every good thing will find the richness of heaven in the humblest detail of his spiritual life. The window of gratitude opens to us the heavens of God.”
—Harold Klemp, Spiritual Leader of Eckankar
You are invited to an Online ECKANKAR Soul Adventure Seminar!
Embark upon a virtual spiritual adventure both personal and profound as you explore the transformative possibilities of the Power of Gratitude—a secret to spiritual living that can help you live a rich and fulfilling life.
Enjoy a constellation of specially recorded presentations to inspire you and your family, as you chart a course for your highest spiritual destiny.
New to Eckankar? Be our guest and enjoy complimentary registration.
Visit ECKSoulAdventure.org
to register and see the seminar program. You will receive a login password allowing you to access the event between October 23, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. and November 30, 2020 at 11:30 p.m. (central time).
A gift of greater awareness awaits you!
Miracles in Your Life
(3 min., 34 sec.)
Discover how HU brings miracles.
Regardless of your beliefs or religion, you can sing HU to become happier and more secure in God’s love.