ECKANKAR in the United Kingdom
Eckankar is known as The Path of Spiritual Freedom. It teaches that the Light and Sound of God are the common thread running through all religions, otherwise known as the Holy Spirit, or “the ECK” as it is known in Eckankar.
As a chartered affiliate of ECKANKAR, Eckankar UK is dedicated to helping the individual find the way home to God, applying uplifting, spiritual principles in daily life. We share these principles in a respectful, non-intrusive way for the benefit of individuals, their families and their communities irrespective of class or creed.
A volunteer spiritual leader known as a Regional ECK Spiritual Aide (RESA) is appointed to oversee Eckankar activities in the UK, serving as representative of the The Living ECK Master. The organisation is governed by a Board of Trustees, supporting the local volunteers who coordinate all approved local activities, ensuring that Eckankar UK meets its legal obligations.
The parent organisation, ECKANKAR, is a nonprofit religious organisation and church with its principal church office located in Chanhassen, Minnesota, U.S.A. Regional church bodies of the Eckankar religion are lawfully recognised in the U.S.A., Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Togo, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Mexico, Ecuador, Philippines, among many other countries, with adherents of the religious teachings of Eckankar living in over one-hundred countries, including the United Kingdom.
ECKANKAR was first established in the UK as a Charitable Trust, registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales in February 1982. In March 2016 the Commission registered ECKANKAR UNITED KINGDOM as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).
Charity number 1165900.
The Path of ECK
(2 min., 44 sec.)
What the Path of ECK Is All About
Sri Harold Klemp shares the love and joy that can be found on the path of ECK and in each Soul’s journey into the heart of God.